Unit math_3d

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records


Contains definitions of 3D primitive functions.

This software is distributed under GPL in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


  • SimpMath


Functions and Procedures

procedure Dilatation(A, B, C: double);
procedure GetMatrixDilat(A, B, C: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetMatrixRotX(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetMatrixRotY(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetMatrixRotZ(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetMatrixTrans(A, B, C: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetMatrixTransition(Al, Bt, Gm: double; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetReverseMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetUnitMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure GetZerosMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure Mul3DMatrix(var A, B: TMatrix; var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure MulVectMatr(Matr: TMatrix; var Vector: T3Vector);
procedure Pro(A, B, C: double);
function Rad(Angle: double): double;
procedure ReflectionXY;
procedure ReflectionYZ;
procedure ReflectionZX;
procedure RotationX(Angle: double);
procedure RotationX2(Angle: double);
procedure RotationY(Angle: double);
procedure RotationY2(Angle: double);
procedure RotationZ(Angle: double);
procedure StandardVectTrans(var Vector: T3Vector);
procedure Transition(Al, Bt, Gm: double);
procedure Translation(A, B, C: double);


T3Vector = TDoubleVector3;
T4Vector = array[1..4] of double;
TMatrix = array[1..4, 1..4] of double;


DilatMatr: TMatrix;
RotXMatr: TMatrix;
RotYMatr: TMatrix;
RotZMatr: TMatrix;
TempMatr: TMatrix;
TempMatr2: TMatrix;
TempRotMatr: TMatrix;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Dilatation(A, B, C: double);
procedure GetMatrixDilat(A, B, C: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns dilatation matrix.

procedure GetMatrixRotX(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns rotation matrix around X-axis. The angle is given in radians.

procedure GetMatrixRotY(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns rotation matrix around Y-axis. The angle is given in radians.

procedure GetMatrixRotZ(Angle: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns rotation matrix around Z-axis. The angle is given in radians.

procedure GetMatrixTrans(A, B, C: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns translation matrix.

procedure GetMatrixTransition(Al, Bt, Gm: double; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns transformation matrix.

procedure GetReverseMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns inverse matrix.

procedure GetUnitMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns unitary matrix.

procedure GetZerosMatrix(var Matr: TMatrix);
procedure Mul3DMatrix(var A, B: TMatrix; var Matr: TMatrix);

Returns product of matrices. Result is placed into Matr parameter. As result container any of the original variables can be given.

procedure MulVectMatr(Matr: TMatrix; var Vector: T3Vector);
procedure Pro(A, B, C: double);
function Rad(Angle: double): double;
procedure ReflectionXY;
procedure ReflectionYZ;
procedure ReflectionZX;
procedure RotationX(Angle: double);
procedure RotationX2(Angle: double);
procedure RotationY(Angle: double);
procedure RotationY2(Angle: double);
procedure RotationZ(Angle: double);
procedure StandardVectTrans(var Vector: T3Vector);
procedure Transition(Al, Bt, Gm: double);
procedure Translation(A, B, C: double);


T3Vector = TDoubleVector3;
T4Vector = array[1..4] of double;
TMatrix = array[1..4, 1..4] of double;


DilatMatr: TMatrix;
RotXMatr: TMatrix;
RotYMatr: TMatrix;
RotZMatr: TMatrix;
TempMatr: TMatrix;
TempMatr2: TMatrix;
TempRotMatr: TMatrix;


  • Dmitry Morozov dvmorozov@hotmail.com, LinkedIn https://ru.linkedin.com/pub/dmitry-morozov/59/90a/794, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004082021870

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