Unit form_main


Contains definition of TFormMain.

This software is distributed under GPL in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TFormMain TFormMain


TResState = (...);
TViewState = (...);


crCursorDrag: TCursor = 6;
crCursorSelect: TCursor = 7;
HintFirst: string = 'Now you can pick a first point';
HintFirstStart: string = 'Now you can pick a first point - "START"';
HintMain: string = 'Drag mouse from top-left to bottom-right to zoom';
HintMovePeak: string = 'Now you can pick the menu item "Move Peak to Results"';
HintNextBackPoint: string = 'Now you can pick a next point or the menu item "Remove Background"';
HintNextPoint: string = 'Now you can pick a next point or the menu item "Minimize Difference"';
HintNextPointEven: string = 'Now you can pick a right point of peak';
HintNextPointOdd: string = 'Now you can pick a left point of peak';
HintSecondFinish: string = 'Now you can pick a second point - "FINISH"';
HintSecondPeak: string = 'Now you can pick a second point - "PEAK"';
HintSelectProfileInterval: string = 'Now you can pick the menu item "Select Area"';
HintThirdFinish: string = 'Now you can pick a third point - "FINISH"';
HintWait: string = 'Calculation started. Please wait';
MenuDelUserCapt: string = 'Delete User';
StartVisPosSel: string = 'Start Visual Position Selection';
StartVisualSel: string = 'Start Visual Selection';
StopVisPosSel: string = 'Stop Visual Position Selection';
StopVisualSel: string = 'Stop Visual Selection';


FormMain: TFormMain;



TResState = (...);

States of results grid window.

  • GridInvisible: Window is invisible.
  • GridSelEmpty: Window is visible but selection area is empty.
  • GridSelNonEmpty: A few rows are selected.
  • GridSelAll: Whole table is selected.
TViewState = (...);

States of graph output.

  • GraphEmpty
  • GraphNotEmpty


crCursorDrag: TCursor = 6;
crCursorSelect: TCursor = 7;
HintFirst: string = 'Now you can pick a first point';
HintFirstStart: string = 'Now you can pick a first point - "START"';
HintMain: string = 'Drag mouse from top-left to bottom-right to zoom';
HintMovePeak: string = 'Now you can pick the menu item "Move Peak to Results"';
HintNextBackPoint: string = 'Now you can pick a next point or the menu item "Remove Background"';
HintNextPoint: string = 'Now you can pick a next point or the menu item "Minimize Difference"';
HintNextPointEven: string = 'Now you can pick a right point of peak';
HintNextPointOdd: string = 'Now you can pick a left point of peak';
HintSecondFinish: string = 'Now you can pick a second point - "FINISH"';
HintSecondPeak: string = 'Now you can pick a second point - "PEAK"';
HintSelectProfileInterval: string = 'Now you can pick the menu item "Select Area"';
HintThirdFinish: string = 'Now you can pick a third point - "FINISH"';
HintWait: string = 'Calculation started. Please wait';
MenuDelUserCapt: string = 'Delete User';
StartVisPosSel: string = 'Start Visual Position Selection';
StartVisualSel: string = 'Start Visual Selection';
StopVisPosSel: string = 'Stop Visual Position Selection';
StopVisualSel: string = 'Stop Visual Selection';


FormMain: TFormMain;


  • Dmitry Morozov dvmorozov@hotmail.com, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitry-morozov-79490a59/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.v.morozov

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