Unit fit_service


Contains definition of class implementing server logic. Doesn't contain any user interface interaction. Exception handling and converting them into messages understandable for caller should be done in boundary objects. Throwing EAssertionFailed should be considered as inadmissibility of state for calling the method. At that state of the server should be kept. Throwing any other exception should be considered as fatal error. At that state of the server should be brought into initial which was just after start. Sometimes when method can execute the action accroding to its semantics EAssertionFailed can be catched inside it.

This software is distributed under GPL in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TFitService The component which implements all server logic.


TRecreateServer = procedure of object;


BackPointsNum: string = 'The number of background points should not be less then 2.';
BackRemoving: string = 'Now background points should be defined.';
CalcAborted: string = 'Calculation aborted.';
CalcNotStarted: string = 'The calculation not started.';
CRLF: string = #13#10;
DataMustBeSet: string = 'Define data before.';
EntireAlready: string = 'Entire dataset already selected.';
InadmissibleData: string = 'Inadmissible data for this operation.';
InadmissibleServerState: string = 'Inadmissible state for this operation.';
IsProfileWaiting: string = 'Now the program waits data.';
IsReadyForAutoFit: string = 'Now the program is ready for fitting with automatically selected conditions.';
IsReadyForFit: string = 'Now the program is ready for fitting with selected conditions.';
NotAllData: string = 'Not all necessary data has been defined for the calculation.';
NowCalculation: string = 'Now Calculation is executing.';
RangeAlready: string = 'Range of data already selected.';
RFactorStillNotCalculated: string = 'Not calculated';
StillNotDone: string = 'The calculation still not accomplished.';



TRecreateServer = procedure of object;


BackPointsNum: string = 'The number of background points should not be less then 2.';
BackRemoving: string = 'Now background points should be defined.';
CalcAborted: string = 'Calculation aborted.';
CalcNotStarted: string = 'The calculation not started.';

Raschet ne byl zapuschen

CRLF: string = #13#10;
DataMustBeSet: string = 'Define data before.';
EntireAlready: string = 'Entire dataset already selected.';
InadmissibleData: string = 'Inadmissible data for this operation.';
InadmissibleServerState: string = 'Inadmissible state for this operation.';
IsProfileWaiting: string = 'Now the program waits data.';
IsReadyForAutoFit: string = 'Now the program is ready for fitting with automatically selected conditions.';

dannaya stroka dolzhna poyavlyat'sya kogda nekotorye dannye esche ne zadany pol'zovatelem i v sluchae zapuska podgonki budut vybrany programmoy

IsReadyForFit: string = 'Now the program is ready for fitting with selected conditions.';

dannaya stroka dolzhna poyavlyat'sya kogda vse neobhodimye dlya rascheta dannye byli zadany pol'zovatelem

NotAllData: string = 'Not all necessary data has been defined for the calculation.';
NowCalculation: string = 'Now Calculation is executing.';
RangeAlready: string = 'Range of data already selected.';
RFactorStillNotCalculated: string = 'Not calculated';

'Now calculation is performing.';

StillNotDone: string = 'The calculation still not accomplished.';

Tekst d.b. primerno takoy: Ne vse neobhodimye dlya rascheta dannye opredeleny. Vy dolzhny zadat' samostoyatel'no, ili pozvolit' programme sgenerirovat' sleduyuschie dannye: intervaly primeneniya patternov, tochki privyazki i nachal'nye znacheniya parametrov patternov.


  • Dmitry Morozov dvmorozov@hotmail.com, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitry-morozov-79490a59/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.v.morozov

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