Revealing magnetic structure


The function to be optimized has the form: R=Σ|Icalc-Iexp|/ΣIexp*100%, where Icalc is the total calculated scattering intensity for all planes giving contribution into a some peak of the experimental diffraction pattern, Iexp is the integral intensity of this peak. This kind of function is less subjected by influence of errors in integral intensities than traditional function R=Σ(Icalc-Iexp)2/ΣIexp2*100%. For optimization the well-known "downhill simplex" algorithm is used. This algorithm is one from most efficient algorithms of local optimization. Of course, in the case of multi-extremal function this kind of algorithms can find the "global" extreme only accidentally. However, the numerous experiments showed that in moving from various initial magnetic structures the algorithm converges approximately to one and the same structure. Apparently, it is possible to deduce the conclusion that, although the optimizing function is multi-extremal, the local minima form insignificant "roughnesses" on the "slopes" of the global minima. It should be noted that no algorithm of global optimization can guarantee the finding of the single global minimum.

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