
ArxivExpress - client for Android and iOS, ArxivNavigator - interactive metadata visualization. I would appreciate any way of contributing: GitHub issue, email or pull request.

View the Project on GitHub dvmorozov/arxiv


Look at arxiv client for Android and iOS.

Hold mouse on node to see topic identifier and related number of articles. Drag node to see relations. Click node to see the list of latest articles and the number of articles published per year. Node opacity decreases exponentially since the time of last published article.

Open graph in new window Open dataset


The visualization uses modified force-directed graph powered by d3.js.

Data has been collected by modified fork of arxiv-public-datasets metadata collector.

JSON parsing has been implemented with ijson.

For topic maining Natural Language Toolkit is used powered by “Bird, Steven, Edward Loper and Ewan Klein (2009), Natural Language Processing with Python. O’Reilly Media Inc.”.

I would appreciate any way of contributing: GitHub issue, email or pull request.